Potato planting and new bed's dug!

Potatoes were planted and new beds were dug!

We are still having cold nights here and may experience a freeze Saturday night. May 5th is the safe time frame for Rainier, and Yelm Washington historically for warm weather crops. Although we have had a nice spring, it is not quite safe to plant warm weather crops.
Brassica's are fine as they can handle the cold. I do have cauliflower and kohlrabi starts in the hugelbed now. I have started tomato seeds that are under lights currently. The kale and chard are under lights too, although it is fine to plant those out in the yard as they can tolerate the cold. They are so little now, I will let them grow a bit before planting out.

 These are two new beds under construction. I am still getting my ideas on what this will be. Tomato with vertical support. This needs more digging and compost/manure added.

 This is the food forest area. Potatoes are planted inground and in wire rounds.

 Close up of the potato beds.

 I am covering the hugelbed with grass clippings to suppress weeds and get a covering on it. Soil likes to be covered.
 The upper hugelbed. Bubby cat is enjoying the sun.
